
Do You Market Your Company To Potential Employees?

By Julie Miller posted 02-08-2018 11:23

A familiar grumble these days is the lack of qualified potential employees, new hires--people who are capable of taking on the responsibilities of a position that's open in your company. 

But the question to consider is...are you marketing your company well enough to future employees?

An article in Predictive Index made these observations:
  • Market to everyone, but make sure your website and other marketing materials are up-to-date.
  • Use your website to answer questions--do you have a jobs/careers section? Do you use your current employees to tell interesting stories? Do you have a training program?
  • Make your current employees the ambassadors of your company. Do they meet potential employees?
  • Learn what your competition is doing. Are they successful at hiring the right people?
  • Be honest and be personal. Don't give a sales pitch. 

Here's another article that details the Fortune 500 companies excelling in marketing to potential employees. While these are larger corporations, you might be able to get information from their websites that could boost your game when hiring the right employees.
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